Workshop Curriculum

    1. About This Workshop

    2. Collect Your Materials

    1. Carving Your Block

    2. Printing Time!

About this workshop

  • Free
  • 4 lessons


Mary Emery Lacoursiere graduated from Pratt Institute with an M.F.A. in printmaking and painting. She had a studio in New York City for fifteen years, specializing in hand-painted sisal rugs, murals, and restoring historical painting. A member of the Historical Society of Early American Decoration since 1978, Mary has been a contributing artist for Lifetime Television and Hearst Entertainment. She is now the Director of Education at the Nantucket Historical Association. In addition to overseeing this department, she serves as curriculum coordinator for NHA’s decorative arts programs, developing and teaching classes in a variety of subjects. She had also designed and created a number of products available through the NHA Museum Shop.

Mary is also owner and principal designer of Emery Design on Nantucket, her full service design studio for interiors and fine art.

Mary Emery Lacoursiere

NHA Peter M. and Bonnie J. Sacerdote Chair
of Education and Community Relations